How Many Pairs of Socks Should I Have?

Socks are kind of like friends. You can never have too many. And much like friends, sometimes it’s nice to have new ones in the mix (no shade to our current friends, but variety is the spice of life).

But questions remain: How many socks do you need to own? And how often should you replace socks? And where the heck are all the fun socks

All these mysteries (and more!) will be revealed through the course of this blog, so stick with us.

How Many Pairs Of Socks Do I Need?


How Many Pairs Of Socks Do I Need? 〰️

Obviously, this question is highly subjective. You could ask 100 people this very question and receive 100 different answers, but we think you should probably have at least fourteen pairs at your disposal. This way, you’ll be able to get through at least two weeks without running into a sock-based-emergency. 

To get your magical sock number, consider your lifestyle and your daily style. Are you exercising often? Do you predominantly wear sandals? Do your feet sweat easily, necessitating you to change socks multiple times a day? There’s a lot to consider. Maybe you might even want to look into all the types of socks and when to wear them. At the end of the day, though, if you have at least fourteen pairs of socks you will probably be able to make it work. 

How Often Should You Buy New Socks?


How Often Should You Buy New Socks? 〰️

Now this question is a bit easier to answer. Some socks last a lifetime, some socks are only destined to live in this world for a short time. But how long should socks last and how often should you buy new ones?

If you’re looking down at your fave pair of socks, it’s time to gracefully retire them and pick up some new ones if you see the following:

• Discoloration 

• Holes

• Loose Fit

• Bad smells 

If your socks don’t have those issues, keep on rocking ‘em until they do. 

How Often Should You Be Replacing Your Other Undergarments?


How Often Should You Be Replacing Your Other Undergarments? 〰️

Socks, Undies, Bralettes—these are all items that are simply not meant to last forever. You wear them every day, you wash and dry them weekly, and eventually you just have to say farewell. 

When it comes to Undies, we know exactly when you should replace them, but it’s similar for most garments: When they start coming apart, or don’t fit as they should, or are stained and tearing, it’s really for the best to get some new ones. You deserve that, you know?

If you’re staring woefully down into your sock drawer and seeing many pairs that need replacing, don’t fret. You can get a lot of socks for little money with MeUndies Sock Packs. We have bold colors, fun patterns, and plenty of ways to match your partner, pet, or family. 

In conclusion, your feet work so hard for you and they need a little treat. Get some new socks!

Kenny Ko