How Often Should You Be Buying New Undies?

Some of us are sentimental. It can be hard to throw out old childhood toys or that ugly lamp your grandma gave you that doesn’t even work anymore. Family heirlooms are important, but underwear is a different story. Sometimes you have to say goodbye. But when?

Regardless of if you’re a man, woman, non-binary, or other, if you don’t know how often you should replace underwear, keep reading. We have some opinions.

How Often Should You Buy New Underwear

There are a lot of experts out there espousing their views on how often people should re-up in the underwear department. In our professional, not-so-humble opinion, we think you should rock your Undies as long as possible until they show signs of distress.

If washed as directed, a new pair of Undies should be feeling and looking great for at least a year. With regular wear, they might start getting holes, stains, or they just might not fit the same. This is when it’s time to consider parting ways. Because they’re worn so often and thus washed so often, it’s perfectly fine for your Undies to not have as long of a lifespan as your jeans or t-shirts.

Signs Your Undies Are Ready for Retirement

It doesn’t take a genius to assess whether a pair of Undies should live another day or if they’re fully KO’d. 

Give all your underwear a thorough wash and then lay ‘em out on your bed. Give them a good hard look. Do you see any holes, tears, stains? Bye bye! Is the waistband stretched out and loose? No thanks! You deserve better than that, like a pair of Undies that actually fit. 

What to Do with Your Expired Undies

Most people throw their old Undies out in the trash, but be bold. Get creative with it!

Some ideas for old (clean) Undies:

-Sewing them into a little beret for your cat

-Creating a custom flag for your imaginary planet

-Composting them! Our Undies are made out of sustainable materials, so they’re perfect if you’re an at-home composter. 

How to Make Your Undies Last Longer

If you want your Undies to last as long as possible, the best way to do it is treat them gently. For our Undies, the best way to go is by hand-washing them in cold water and then letting them air dry. If you’re too busy to hand-wash, A) we get it and B) try washing them in a gentle mode in cold water and then air-dying or a machine with a gentle drying cycle.

How to Find the Best Undies

This one’s easy. We’re literally right here. Our Undies are not only super-soft, they’re breathable, sustainable, and cute as heck. With tons of styles and prints to choose from in sizes ranging from XS-4XL, you’ll easily find your new fave pair. 

If you go through this process and come to discover most of your prized underwear collection has seen better days, check out our Undies Packs to get more bang for your buck and replace your entire drawer at once.

Kenny Ko