The Ultimate Quarantine Survival Guide

By Jeremy Glass

It should go without saying that 2020 hasn’t gone exactly as planned. As we head into week 9,000 of quarantine, let us be thankful for the little creature comforts that getting us through this trying time. If you find yourself on the point of a mild-to-moderate full-on mental breakdown, we suggest these quick and easy tips for maintaining your sense of self and sanity



Now is as good of a time as ever to exercise flexible hedonism. If you were the type of person with militant restraint around cookies, quarantine is when you should eat up. If you want pancakes for dinner, eat pancakes for dinner. A 2016 study examined the mental benefits of hearty eating by asking 36 participants to go on a 1,300 calories/day diet with a 2,700-calorie “splurge day” at the end of each week. Those on the splurge day diet reported being “better able to sustain their motivation and self-control” than those without that wonderful day of hedonism. When we’re put in the type of situations we’re in now, giving yourself control over the previously-uncontrollable is a satisfying way to stay calm—especially when sugar is involved. 

Get Comfy

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With the shift of the American workplace from the office to the living room, Casual Friday has spread its warm, fuzzy grip to the rest of the week. Sure, there will be those days where you have to dress up your top half for a video call, but for the days you’re lounging—lounge in style. Spring for a super-soft Romper or pair of Lounge Pants that’ll make you forget about the existence of denim. From unisex Onesies in wild patterns to sophisticated Modal Robes that put the fluffiest hotel robe to shape, there’s no one stopping you from endless comfort. 

Hobby Up!

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We’ve got more time on our hands than ever and, with that time, comes the chance to dive into the hobby you’ve been putting off for years. There’s a ton of research out there showing that people with hobbies are way less likely to suffer from stress and depression. Don’t feel pressured to embark upon ambitious projects like the to-scale diorama replica of Dubai; start slow and go at your own pace. We’re living in a time with unlimited access to resources, putting the power of the internet in your hands. “Hey, Siri, how do you make a to-scale diorama replica of Dubai?” 

Help Out

The silver lining of coronavirus has been the public’s profound support of one another. If you don’t know where to start, let us take the reins and show you the way. Healthcare workers are facing a critical shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) nationwide. This site gives you myriad ways to bring PPE to our healthcare heroes with the click of a button. You can also look into organizations like Feeding America and their COVID-19 Relief Fund. Even a small donation can make a world of a difference to the local food banks running low on provisions. 

Stay Social 

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You don’t need to be in the same room as someone to have a good time. We’re living in the golden age of video chats: FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Zoom, GoToMeeting -- the sky’s the limit and there are no rules. Go on a virtual date with your significant other, schedule a Onesie cocktail hour with your friends, read a book with your friend across the country without leaving your couch. This is the time to connect with your group from high school you haven’t seen since 2005; so send that invite, get yourself in front of your webcam, and chill.