Show Your Most Authentic Self With Our Pride Collection

One of the most amazing things about Pride is it simply cannot be contained to one month—it’s an everyday, all day thing. Even though Pride is in June, there’s no reason you should wait to show off your authentic, beautiful, queer self to the world. 

Pride celebrations originate from a turning point in queer history that happened in June of 1969. A rebellion against a police raid at the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar catering mainly to transgender people, drag queens, effeminate men, sex workers, and homeless people, opened the doors for queer people to fight for visibility and freedom of expression. According to Them, an online platform celebrating and publishing queer stories, historical accounts suggest that a Black butch lesbian is credited with first inciting the rebellion and inspiring the Pride celebrations that have happened since. 

When we wear Pride clothing, sprinkle on the glitter, and stand proudly in our queerness, we become beacons of love, positivity, and light. We become emblematic of a community that accepts everyone without judgment—regardless of who you are and who you love. So the next time you want to grab some rainbow Pride clothing or a pair of Pride underwear, don’t even hesitate for a moment. Just go for it. 

When it comes to Pride, we don’t play around. Don’t just wear the flag. Be the flag.

What can I do to support the LGBTQIA+ Community?

In case you’re unfamiliar with the LGBTQIA+ acronym, it means lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or those questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation, intersex, and asexual or queer allies. The + is acknowledgment of non-cisgender and non-straight identities that are not included in the acronym. Even if you don’t consider yourself part of the queer community, we still need your help!

Every city will typically have a center for the LGBTQIA+ community and the best way to get involved is to reach out to your local center to see volunteer opportunities and other ways you can help.

Another way to support the LGBTQIA+ community is by engaging in your local community, marching for Trans Rights and equality for all, and holding your loved ones accountable to do the same. We’re all in this together.

MeUndies Pride Collection

Visibility is important for queer youth (and everyone else) to see examples of queer celebration. Pride is about wearing your joy so that everyone else can see that being queer is inherently wonderful and something to be proud of.

When is Pride month? Literally any month you want it to be. Get loud, be proud, and know we always have your back (and your butt). Check out last year’s pride collection here and keep an eye out for our new prints out this summer!

With love,

The MeUndies family

Kenny Ko