Should You Be Sleeping With Socks On?

Look, we’re not in a position to be telling you what to do. You’re a grown adult and can make your own decisions. But since you’re already here and you’re asking so nicely, we’ll make an exception. Here’s all the advice you’ll ever need about sleeping with socks on. 

Should You Sleep With Socks On

We wish this answer was black and white. It would make our job so much easier, because we could write “Yes, you should be wearing socks to bed” and the blog would be finished. Time for a long lunch! 

But of course, nothing in this cruel world could ever be so simple. How would any of us build character if such monumental decisions were just handed to us on silver platters? Instead, you have to do a bit of soul searching. When you really get to know yourself, the answer will come to you like a vision from heaven and you won’t need to read our silly little blog to figure it out. 

So… Should you wear socks to bed? Like, maybe. 

Benefits Of Sleeping With Socks On

Let’s get this out of the way to clear up some confusion: Is it bad to sleep with socks on? The answer is no! It’s not bad. There are much more terrible things you could be getting into, so the next time you’re feeling guilt over reaching for a pair of socks at night, remind yourself that you are allowed to have warm and cozy feet. In the grand scheme of things, sleeping in socks isn’t that weird. 

In fact, what happens when you sleep with socks on may surprise you.

Sleeping in socks will keep your footsies warm, which allows your blood to flow like the waters of the Amazon (or something scientific like that—we aren’t doctors). This means your body temperature will regulate itself better, which relaxes your body and helps you get to sleep faster. 

Don’t believe us? Wear some socks to bed tonight and see for yourself. If you’re looking for a comfy pair, try our Supima Cotton Socks. They’re stretchy, super soft, and cushy as hell. Have sweaty feet? First, don’t be embarrassed. Second, try our Breathe Socks. They’re breathable, quick-drying, and have anti-odor technology so you can keep those feet smelling good. We have tons of types of socks, so don’t be shy. Check ‘em out. 

Is it better to sleep with socks on or off? You tell us. The student becomes the master, etc. But us? We’ll be keeping those socks ON in bed, thanks. Sweet dreams are literally made of this.

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